European road transport guide available

Tunbridge Wells, UK; The Freight Transport Association has published the 17th edition of its annual European Road Transport Guide for UK-based road transport operators visiting countries in the EU and beyond.

Formerly known as the International Road Transport Guide, it has been re-named in order to avoid confusion with other FTA publications that cover a larger geographical area than FTA’s mainly European road freight interests.

The FTA European Road Transport Guide uses country profiles to equip transport managers with the information needed to avoid delays and deal effectively with roadside enforcement.

Once again the country sections have been updated and include amended information on public holidays, weekend lorry bans, toll prices and other essential facts for fleet operators in both the own account and hire and reward sectors.  This year Liechtenstein and Monaco have been added to the list of countries in the guide.

Also new in this edition are:

  • Indicative ferry journey times
  • More information on the UK Border Agency’s haulier accreditation scheme
  • A section to assist operators in retrieving a vehicle if it is impounded by UKBA officials
  • Contacts in France for lorry ban exemption permits
  • Information on HM Revenue & Customs’ treatment of freight moving to the Channel Islands


Don Armour, FTA’s International Manager and editor of the guide, said: “FTA members operating vehicles abroad often pass information on to us from their own first-hand experience.

“As with any reference work the details given may become out of date over time, so comments or amendments from those who are actually on the road play an important part in making sure that the guide is always as up-to-date and relevant as possible,” he says.

The guide is available from the FTA priced  £75.00.